One day, there was a frog that was sitting on lotus leaf in the middle of the lake was surounded by shrub.
Then, that frog saw an ox in the shrub around the lake. When he saw a body of ox, he asked, "Am I as big as you?" Then the ox answered, "Not even close."
Because he got the answer liked that, the frog was trying to enlarge his stomach, then he asked again, "Am I as huge as you?" The ox answered, "Not even close."
The frog was increasingly trying to enlarge his stomach more and more to make it looked great like the ox. Then he asked once again, "Am I as enormous as you?". But, the ox still gave the same answer, "Not even close."
Hearing the ox same answer, the frog to be continues to enlarge his stomach again and again, but suddenly "POP!!!" The frog erupted.
Archive for Februari 2011
The Frog Who Wanted To Be As Big As An Ox
Category Story : Fairytale

The Frog Who Wanted To Be As Big As An Ox
One day, there was a frog that was sitting on lotus leaf in the middle of the lake was surounded by shrub.
Then, that frog saw an ox in the shrub around the lake. When he saw a body of ox, he asked, "Am I as big as you?" Then the ox answered, "Not even close."
Because he got the answer liked that, the frog was trying to enlarge his stomach, then he asked again, "Am I as huge as you?" The ox answered, "Not even close."
The frog was increasingly trying to enlarge his stomach more and more to make it looked great like the ox. Then he asked once again, "Am I as enormous as you?". But, the ox still gave the same answer, "Not even close."
Hearing the ox same answer, the frog to be continues to enlarge his stomach again and again, but suddenly "POP!!!" The frog erupted.

The Lion and The Little Deer
One day, there was a lion that was finding his food. He surrounded in the forest to find a little deer for his food today.
He walked for 2 hours, then he looked a little deer was standing alone under tree. The lion accosted the little deer.
The little deer was afraid when he saw the lion who approached him. But the lion asked "Don't to be afraid. I'm not evil." But, the little deer knew if the lion lied, the little deer said "If you want to eat me, eat! It doesn't matter for me, because I haven't had family in this world. I'm alone." Hearing the answer of a little deer, the lion shocked and he was suspicious. The little deer said again "But you must eat me without hurting me." The lion was confused, he should eat the little deer without hurting him. How was it possible?
"Please, eat me!" said the little deer. But the lion didn't eat him, he went away. The little deer asked "Why you leave?" The lion answered "I can not possibly to eat you without hurting you. So, i will go."
When the lion began to walk away, the little deer asked "Can I go with you? I don't want alone anymore in this forest." The lion thought for a moment, "Yeah. It's okay. Come on!" Since the time the lion and the little deer became friends and always together.
Category Story : Fairytale