detikcom - Jakarta, Sebagian besar pasta gigi atau sering disebut odol biasanya memiliki rasa mint atau herbal. Namun ada beberapa pasta gigi yang memiliki rasa aneh tapi terbilang cukup efektif.
Pasta gigi digunakan untuk membunuh bakteri di mulut dan juga menghilangkan plak atau sisa makanan. Jika plak makanan ini tidak dibersihkan akan diubah bekteri dalam mulut menjadi senyawa yang bersifat asam. Asam yang dikeluarkan plak lama-lama bisa mengikis email gigi sehingga menyebabkan pengeroposan.
Pasta gigi yang memiliki rasa biasanya diperuntukkan bagi anak-anak seperti rasa permen karet atau es krim Vanila.
Namun dalam beberapa tahun terakhir penelitian menunjukkan ada bahan-bahan lain yang manis atau terbilang aneh yang mungkin lebih efektif dalam membersihkan gigi sehingga dimasukkan menjadi rasa odol.
Ada beberapa rasa pasta gigi yang terbilang aneh tapi efektif jika digunakkan, seperti dikutip dalam MSNHealth, Jumat (8/4/2011) yaitu:
1. Kayu Manis (cinnamon)
Rempah kayu manis ini biasanya melekat dengan roti manis dan orang akan berpikir tidak mungkin untuk pasta gigi. Tapi sebuah penelitian menunjukkan kayu manis memiliki sifat yang efektif dalam memerangi radang dan bakteri yang merupakan dua musuh terbesar dalam mulut.
2. Delima (pomegranate)
Buah delima diketahui sebagai salah satu buah super yang sangat baik untuk kesehatan. Ternyata delima tidak hanya memiliki antioksidan yang kuat tapi juga berpotensi sebagai antimikroba. Hal ini berarti delima bisa melumpuhkan bakteri yang menyebakan radang gusi.
3. Cokelat
Penelitian dari Tulane University tahun 2007 menunjukkan cokelat tidak selalu memberi dampak buruk bagi gigi. Studi ini menemukan bahwa ekstrak alami dalam bentuk bubuk kakao bisa memperkuat enamel dan bekerja secara efektif sebagai alternatif untuk flouride, yaitu zat yang berguna untuk mencegah dan melindungi gigi dari pengeroposan.
4. Tea Tree Oil
Minyak esensial ini telah digunkan untuk antiseptik dan memiliki sifat alami sebagai anti inflamasi (anti peradangan). Dalam penelitian beberapa tahun terakhir juga diketahui bahwa tea ree oil ini bisa menghilangkan bakteri dan peradangan di mulut.
Archive for Juli 2011
4 Pasta Gigi Rasa Aneh Tapi Efektif Digunakan
Category Did You Know

Avril Lavigne - Things I'll never say
I'm tugging at my hair
I'm pulling at my clothes
I'm trying to keep my cool
I know it shows
I'm staring at my feet
My cheeks are turning red
I'm searching for the words inside my head
Pre-Chorus :
(Cause) I'm felling nervous
Trying to be so perfect
Cause I know you're worth it
You're worth it
Chorus :
If I could say what I want to say
I'd say I wanna blow you
Be with you every night
An I squeezing you too tight
If I could say what I want to see
I want to see you go down
On one knee
Marry me today
Guess, I'm wishing my life away
With these things I'll never say
It don't do me any good
Its just a waste of time
What use is it to you
Whats on my mind
If it ain't coming out
We're not going anywhere
So why I just tell you that I care
Pre-Chorus :
(Cause) I'm felling nervous
Trying to be so perfect
Cause I know you're worth it
You're worth it
Chorus :
If I could say what I want to say
I'd say I wanna blow you
Be with you every night
An I squeezing you too tight
If I could say what I want to see
I want to see you go down
On one knee
Marry me today
Guess, I'm wishing my life away
With these things I'll never say
Whats wrong with my tongue
These words keep slipping away
I stutter, I stumble
Like Ive got nothing to say
Pre-Chorus :
(Cause) I'm felling nervous
Trying to be so perfect
Cause I know you're worth it
You're worth it
Chorus :
If I could say what I want to say
I'd say I wanna blow you
Be with you every night
An I squeezing you too tight
If I could say what I want to see
I want to see you go down
On one knee
Marry me today
Guess, I'm wishing my life away
These things I'll never say
Category Lyrics : Avril Lavigne

Avril Lavigne - Skater Boy
He was a boy, she was a girl
Can I make it anymore obvious?
He was a punk, she did ballet
What more can I say?
He wanted her, she’d never tell
Secretly she wanted him as well
But all of her friends stuck up there nose
They had a problem with his baggy clothes
Chorus :
He was a skater boy, she said see ya later boy
He wasn’t good enough for her
She had a pretty face, but her head was up in space
She needed to come back down to earth
Five years from now, she sits at home
Feeding the baby
She’s all alone
She turns on TV
Guess who she sees
Skater boy rocking up MTV
She calls up her friends, they already know
And they’ve all got tickets to see his show
She tags along and stands in the crowd
Looks up at the man that she turned down, yeahh
Chorus :
He was a skater boy, she said see ya later boy
He wasn’t good enough for her
Now he’s a super star
Slamming on his guitar
Does your pretty face see what he’s worth?
Chorus :
He was a skater boy, she said see ya later boy
He wasn’t good enough for her
Now he’s a super star
Slamming on his guitar
Does your pretty face see what he’s worth?
Sorry girl but you missed out
Well tuff luck that boys mine now
We are more than just good friends
This is how the story ends
Too bad that you couldn’t see
See that man that boy could be
There is more that meets the eye
I see the soul that is inside
He’s just a boy, and I’m just a girl
Can I make it anymore obvious?
We are in love, haven’t you heard
How we rock each other world, yeahh
Chorus :
I’m with the skater boy, I said see ya later boy
I’ll be back stage after the show
I’ll be at a studio
Singing the song we wrote
About a girl you used to know
Chorus :
I’m with the skater boy, I said see ya later boy
I’ll be back stage after the show
I’ll be at a studio
Singing the song we wrote
About a girl you used to know
Category Lyrics : Avril Lavigne